Leading the change you wish to see in the world

This is my superhero pose. What makes you feel like a superhero?⁣⁣I’ve got all sorts of clients and friends saving the world every day through ordinary and extraordinary actions. ⁣⁣We also need some people to step up and make extraordinary changes on a systemic level. The people who sit on the boards of charities, talk […]

Dream about what’s next

Are you at least a little bit afraid of winning? What does that mean when you’re not playing an actual game?⁣⁣Even when we’re not pursuing a sport or a job promotion or first chair in the orchestra, we all have things we’d like to “win.” ⁣⁣An amazing relationship, your dream home, being known as the […]

Is the story you are telling yourself about your life helpful?

Is the story you are telling yourself about your life helpful? Is it pulling your forward or holding you back?⁣⁣I know. The story of your life seems absolutely, totally true. I’m not here to bring doubt to the facts of your life, I’m here to help you questions whether maybe your interpretation of it needs […]

Are you preventing yourself from fully living your life?⁣

Are you preventing yourself from fully living your life?⁣⁣First of all, be gentle with yourself if that’s true. You may not have been ready until now to make this shift. It’s a major shift. Stick with me for a glimpse of how I explain this shift to coaching clients. Early in our lives, we needed […]

Be brave today.

Everything you want, that you feel called to do, all starts with being brave.⁣⁣Asking for help. Stepping up for that promotion. Breaking a habit that has kept you safe but unhealthy. Being the first to say “I love you.” Saying it back. It all starts with being brave.⁣⁣We’re called to big things. Take the next […]

Stop to strategize an everyday situation.

Today is all about connecting with people who signed up to talk after this congregational retreat I led last weekend. What’s on your plate?⁣⁣As I connect with people who attended this retreat, it strikes me how each of them are positioned to be leaders in their own way, in their own context. They are not […]

What do you love about winter?

Spending the weekend in Minnesota.⁣⁣I get to spend 24 hours with a coaching client in Minnesota who is making a big decision about her career, and then another client who is recalibrating into a new chapter of life after getting a graduate degree.⁣ I’ll love that part.⁣I also can’t wait to lead a Friday/Saturday women’s […]

What long-term projects are you working on?

The Duomo in Milan, Italy took 600 years to build. That means generation after generation believing in the project, sharing the vision, making a contribution, and passing it along.⁣⁣When we work on a long-term project, we have to do the same thing. Maybe not for 600 years, but even 600 hours or 600 days can […]

In what ways are you called to be an artist?

In adulthood, creativity comes in many forms: visual, performing, elegant problem-solving, landscaping, fashion, woodworking, choreography, photography, helping a toddler control her emotions, crafting a sermon, finding a compromise that feels good to everyone, advocating for change, making up a new game. ⁣⁣In what way(s) are you called to be an artist?