All hail Black Friday

All hail Black Friday, the day we finally all agree that it’s OK to play holiday music in public spaces. The controversy ends today. ⁣ Are you in the “Start Christmas early” camp or on Team “wait until Thanksgiving?” Tell me in the comments!⁣This may be your busiest time of the year, which is why […]

A totally free Advent Christmas gift.

For #FridayIntroductions I thought I’d introduce you to my Advent videos. They’re Brene Brown meets Bishop Eaton meets Yoda meets Tina Fey, but also coordinated with lectionary verses so you can use them as your daily devotion. They’re efficient like that.⁣⁣So, like all good Friday Introductions, here are a few fun facts about the videos.⁣⁣1. Each day […]