Are you at least a little bit afraid of winning? What does that mean when you’re not playing an actual game?⁣

Even when we’re not pursuing a sport or a job promotion or first chair in the orchestra, we all have things we’d like to “win.” ⁣

An amazing relationship, your dream home, being known as the “social justice church” in your neighborhood, visiting 80 countries, developing your platform as a speaker, throwing the most definitively creative birthday party for your child ever experienced in the history of all birthday parties forever and ever amen. ⁣
So we may say we want these things, but we’re also a little scared of getting them. What will people say? What will I do with all of that free time? How will I deal with the extra attention?⁣

So we sabotage ourselves. We procrastinate so that we have an excuse why we weren’t doing our best work since we did it at the last minute. We don’t call that person back that can open doors for us. We try to do it all ourselves instead of allowing others to help.⁣

Sometimes we even convince ourselves that we don’t want our dream after all. The disappointment is too great. “Winning” is for other people. You decide to play small and take what you’re given when other people offer it instead of going after it. ⁣

Today, give yourself time and space to dream about what’s next. Courageously dare to figure out what you’d like to win. What did you once want? What were you created to do and be and experience and serve?⁣

Want to talk more about it? Message me.⁣