Are you preventing yourself from fully living your life?⁣

First of all, be gentle with yourself if that’s true. You may not have been ready until now to make this shift. It’s a major shift. Stick with me for a glimpse of how I explain this shift to coaching clients.

Early in our lives, we needed what psychologists call an “external locus of control.” Our families and caregivers took care of us. We were passive. Then the school system shuffled us through a process. We did what we were told. Then maybe an institution or organization structured major parts of our lives. ⁣

But slowly we realize that following that script isn’t working, but we think we’re trapped. We’re not. We just need to develop an “internal locus of control.”⁣

We need to realize that we have been equipped with skills, gifts, desires, and a community to live a life more fully aligned with who we were created to be, but we have to be the driver. We can’t wait for it to be given to us.⁣

That’s the major shift that Michelle made as we were working together. Now she’s exploring exciting ways to still honor her commitments while stepping into some exciting new opportunities.⁣

That’s the shift that you can make. Stay tuned this week as I talk about how you can start to release those proverbial chains that you’re holding on to for dear life, and walk freely toward something more fulfilling, more helpful, and more joyous.⁣