Friends: You know I’m all about the goals. I love to help people connect with their vision of what’s possible. Which is why I actually dislike the traditional “New Year’s resolutions” that are declared as the ball drops in Times Square. .

Resolutions can be a totally fun party game, but they tend to lack the depth, meaning, and planning necessary to actually reach them. Which means that most people end up disappointed by January 2, if they even remember the resolution.

And yet … embedded somewhere in that resolution is a hoped-for future. Some sort of dream that they have abandoned. Some way in which they may be a better version of themselves in order to be a better family member / worker / helper / volunteer / leader.

If it might be meaningful to connect your goal with deeper meaning, I invite you to think in terms of living your calling. Thinking of your goals as being pulled toward your very purpose for being on this earth. What might you be CALLED to in 2019?