Onward with our “Would-Have-Beens.”

Ah, that “would have been” life. This would have been the opening night of my next (9th? 10th?) production of “Church Basement Ladies.” ⁣⁣We all have a few “would have beens” right now. What are yours? ⁣⁣Celebrate them. Mourn them. Maybe recreate a part of them. Perhaps I’ll fling a few peanuts through the air […]

What are you waiting for?

What are you waiting for?⁣⁣You wait for some things because they are out of your control. (Hello, New York City subway system.)⁣⁣You wait for some things because they are better after a short pause (hello, boiling water poured over a tea bag.)⁣⁣But you wait for some things unnecessarily. You make up reason that you have […]