Last Saturday we handed out groceries to more than 500 of our neighbors on the Upper West Side. What matters most is fighting food insecurity with nutritious options, but beyond that I love the camaraderie of being involved.⁣

It’s a truly multi-generational experience, with meaningful jobs for people of all ages. We have music playing, appetizers available (both for the workers and for the people waiting in line for groceries!), and “regulars” who make it feel like a party.⁣

During the pandemic, the Food Pantry was a time of interconnectedness that broke up our weeks of isolation. To be part of a system that accomplished so much each Saturday morning felt like a shared “win” every time. ⁣

Big programs like this remind us that big things can happen when a group comes together. This couldn’t be accomplished by one person, or a very small “committee.” 

How are you serving? Are you taking on too much and need to delegate? Or do you have room to add to your “plate?” Take some time today to consider how you serve, and how you can serve in a way that fits both your gifts and your boundaries.

We all have our own ways of giving back. Need ideas? VBS for Backyards has a Mission Moment in every weekly lesson with ideas for how to give back to your community. Join individuals and families from all over the world as we go through 5 weeks of Digital VBS starting July 5. Details are at the link in my bio or at⁣

Whether you join us or not, I hope you find ways to serve and connect with your community this summer!⁣