I coach church leaders, small business owners, and artistic folks to fully step into their calling. It sounds great, but it often starts with gathering the bravery to step OUT of our existing calling. ⁣

Why does it require bravery? Because we feel boxed in by the weight of expectations. We feel safe in our current situation and wonder if it’s worth ruffling the feathers of those who are also not ready to change. We wonder if we “have what it takes” for the next thing. ⁣

And then we wonder how to do it. How do you keep everyone happy? How do you deal with it if you can’t keep everyone happy as you go after your next vocation?

How do you have kind conversations with those whose lives will be affected by you living the next chapter of your life, and stepping into a bigger, more fitting calling? How do you even know if that next calling is right for you, or if it’s just an idle dream?⁣

Those are the conversations that I have every day. Those are the types of things I’m celebrating with my clients, as they move into different careers, make a hobby a side gig, leave an unhealthy call, or finally draw a boundary that will allow them the space to live their dream. 

Curious? Let’s talk.