Potlucks are an occasion to gather (yay!), sample different things that you may not make yourself, and share the workload of the meal. Part of the joy is in the bounty of the options within the experience. 

Since I come from the wonderfully bland tradition of Jello salad at the church potluck, I love that I get to taste foods from around the world, brought by fellow members of my local congregation. It can be tempting to load up my plate too much with the delicious options from Puerto Rico, Tanzania, and other places of origin.

As the world opens up more and more, our lives may feel like a potluck, with new occasions to gather, sample various experiences, and share the workload. May our “eyes” not be bigger than our “stomachs” as we decide what to put on our “plates.” May the things we choose be intentional and life-giving. ⁣

My summer digital program, VBS for Backyards, has a bit of a potluck element, in that each participant has the joy of designing their own experience when they receive the lesson each Monday via email, in pdf and mobile-friendly versions.⁣

At a potluck, you choose your appetizer. In VBS for Backyards you choose whether to have your art project be a coloring page, a digital collage, or a full-blown art project. ⁣

At a potluck, you choose your main courses. In VBS for Backyards, you choose between questions for Grown-ups, Questions for Young Disciples, or questions for even younger disciples. ⁣

At a potluck, you choose one (or two!) options from the dessert table. In VBS for Backyards, you choose between options for Missions moments and Outdoor Adventures. ⁣