“Our community is changing and I have an idea for a new spiritual center.”

“I want to start a non-profit using what I learned in my last career.”

“I can’t keep working like this. Something’s got to give.”

Stepping into the unknown takes actual courage. We so often just keep trying to cope with our current situation because the fear of the unknown is so deep. We think the next new thing is just too risky (even though it doesn’t have to be.) We think we know what will happen in the “safety” of our current situation (even though we don’t). We think we’ll be fine ignoring that still, small voice calling us to something else (even though that’s hard).

I love, love, love helping people create a map toward the unknown. It’s my jam. But before we can even get on the map, we often have to do something else first. 

Often, the first step is to Clear the Decks. We can’t start something new if you are already burned out, overworked, or just generally tired. We need to create the time, (sometimes) money, and space to even start. 

If you’re ever wanting to start something and keep finding yourself not starting it, take a step back and consider what you could do to reduce your current load of obligations.