Mary and Martha

If you happen to be involved with a mainline church, this Sunday is the story is Mary and Martha.  Basically, Jesus comes to visit, Martha does all of the traditional (female) hostess activities, Mary sits down to listen to Jesus teach (something generally only reserved for men), and when Martha complains that Mary is not […]

Prioritize your people.

Do you have those people in your life who are reliably life-giving?  I got to see some of mine earlier this week at an ordination in LA.  Be among people who bring out your best, celebrate your gifts, and encourage you toward further excellence. When things get busy with work or family we don’t always […]

Always re-evaluate and improve.

There was a family member that we would visit every Christmas, and thus attend their (fairly large) church every year on Christmas Eve. It was the same service every year. Of course they ended with lighting candles and singing Silent Night because every church in the known universe does that, but it went further. This was the same […]

How tempting is it to just keep thinking about an upcoming something or other instead of actually doing it?

How tempting is it to just keep thinking about an upcoming something or other instead of actually doing it? ⁣⁣Very.⁣⁣There is definitely fun in dreaming of good things, like a future vacation or big purchase. Make that Pinterest board! Watch videos on YouTube! Do that research!⁣⁣There’s fun in dreaming, but no one would say it’s […]

These are some highlights, but they aren’t how I’ll remember 2021.

These are some highlights, but they aren’t how I’ll remember 2021.  Sometimes we are formed most deeply by the quiet moments that don’t make it on to Instagram.⁣⁣The late night talks.⁣⁣The reunions after so, so long apart.⁣⁣The slow, daily work toward really big goals, both my own and my clients who let me witness their […]