There was a family member that we would visit every Christmas, and thus attend their (fairly large) church every year on Christmas Eve.

It was the same service every year.

Of course they ended with lighting candles and singing Silent Night because every church in the known universe does that, but it went further. This was the same progression of hymns and lessons, the same soloist, and a remarkably similar sermon title. How do we know? One year my mom kept the bulletin and brought it back the next Christmas. 

I’m all for keeping what’s good. Give the people what they came for, especially on Christmas Eve!  (Or, coming up soon, Easter.) Just maybe have a brief meeting to reassess what worked well and what might need to change.

I’ve been running my six month eCourse for about four years. Each time I lead a group through it, I make a couple new videos and change a few things. This winter, I rethought the whole thing. Six months became five months, and those five months contain four months’ worth of topics, allowing people to go deeper and explore further. Less curriculum, more coaching and group reflection.

If you are in a season of discernment, consider joining us. We get to know and trust each other, then systematically take action toward where we feel the Holy Spirit is calling. It’s a joyful, proven process of action and reflection in a supportive, insightful environment. Some people rethink their current call and end up staying in a place they thought they’d need to leave, others get themselves out of a situation that is no longer working, and some people start a side gig that allows them to make a much bigger impact.

We start Monday and will be done by Labor Day. The first step is a 25-minute, no pressure conversation with me. You can still set that up for early next week and be in the group by the time we have our first live meeting. More details are on this page.

I’d love to spend the next five months with you.