What’s on your list of “hobbies and skills I will never attempt in public”?⁣

My answers range from needlepoint to juggling to the board game Settlers of Catan.⁣

But what happens when we don’t try things that would actually improve our lives, simply because we fear failure? Things like having a hard conversation with a co-worker, reaching out to create a new friendship, traveling alone, or public speaking within our field.?

For those things, we need a community within which failure is normalized. A community that encourages you, even when your first attempts are awkward. A community that helps you process, learn from your mistakes, and get the gumption to try again.⁣

That’s what we cultivate in Discern by Doing. We refuse to live small. We see failure as a learning opportunity. We don’t let one stumble define us. We do not let a little embarrassment hold us back from living God’s calling for our lives.⁣

I hope that you have that community. If not, DM me TODAY to find out how to connect with our community. There are only a couple spots remaining, and another group won’t launch for months.⁣