Part of my role at the Extravaganza this weekend was to interview people in the lobby for footage to weave throughout the six big gatherings at our convention for Lutherans who work with children and youth. ⁣

One of my questions was, “how would you define the word disruption?”⁣

Inconvenient. Problematic. Stressful. Annoying. Being forced to find another way. ⁣

Then I asked them what the most joyful disruption of the last twelve months had been. It caught almost everyone off guard, but then they identified some really great things.⁣

New babies. New jobs. New relationships. New. New. New.⁣

New is exciting. It also creates a disruption. And if we’re honest, we sometimes avoid something new and great because we don’t want to deal with the disruption. ⁣

And yet that’s where the growth is. That’s where we find the opportunity to truly live our calling. We are often called to step into the disruption and live among the messiness to get to somewhere new, joyful, and good.⁣

Let’s not be so afraid of stepping into disruptions that we don’t embrace opportunities that enter our lives. Let’s not be so afraid of causing disruption that we allow injustices big or small to continue. There is joy on the other side of that messiness.⁣

What is the most joyful disruption of the past twelve months for you?