Mirrors are for reflecting back our outer self as we make adjustments. What mirror do you have for your inner self that helps you make adjustments?⁣

Sometimes we see ourselves in shows and movies and learn something that improves our lives. Sometimes we are more intentional with our inner life so we seek out books and courses to continue down a path of self-help, mental health, or spiritual direction. ⁣

Those options are wonderful and widely available. They sometimes lead to a real internal shift. But they are usually only about taking in information. The book, show, or course shares its wisdom, but does not in turn give you personalized feedback. They are not mirrors. ⁣

A true mirror gives us information that is specific to ourselves. It truly sees us. We all have a friend or family member that truly sees us and can be our mirror.⁣

When we know that it is time to make major shifts, it is sometimes a big ask to have a friend or family member be your mirror. That’s one reason I created my 6-month eCourse, “Discern by Doing.” This is not a course where you just take in information. This is a course where you’ll get to know a small group of people and reflect back to one another everyone’s goals and dreams within a structured way for everyone to move forward.⁣

Listening for the still, small voice of God happens in caring community just as much as it happens in quiet spaces. Join us for this next round of “Discern by Doing” to gain a new set of mirrors, and be seen by a joyful, supportive group of carefully curated online friends.⁣