I don’t mention it often, but I coach a healthy handful of what I like to call “ministry adjacent business owners” and whoh, it is SO MUCH FUN.⁣

Broadly defined, they are progressive ministry leaders starting a business as a speaker, author, graphic designer, photographer, digital ministry strategist, or other such things. ⁣

Together, we define their exact market. We identify the problem they are solving. We refine the story they are telling. And we do a bit of social media training on the nuts and bolts.⁣

Then I get to cheer them on each step of the way as their business grows and finds its voice and turns a profit. ⁣Good people sometimes have trouble knowing how to put good things out into the world, and I get to help.

It’s all standard marketing with a bit of work around mindset (“I’ve always been in ministry and now I’m a business owner? What does that mean for us?!?”), but such fun conversations when they are serving a subculture I’ve lived in all my life, and served for fifteen years.⁣

When you start something new, do you find a mentor to show you the way and cheer you on, or do you find someone who is already doing something similar and learn from them, or do you attempt it all yourself?

(By the way, if you know a speaker / author / creator in the progressive ministry world, send them this post or tag them below so we can meet. Thanks!)⁣