Maybe it’s time to let the sun set on a program, habit, service, or even (gulp) relationship. ⁣

The Atlantic just had an article about this being a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for a reset. We truly were “on pause,” and we can decide what to put back into our lives. ⁣

It feels similar to when you take EVERYTHING out of a closet, and then only put back in the things that bring you joy. (Thanks, Marie Kondo.) ⁣

What if you only restarted things that bring you joy?

I’ve been talking to a lot of ministry and small business leaders about what’s best for them personally, and for their organization. Maybe they don’t have to lead the way they have always lead, and can maintain some space for themselves? Maybe every program doesn’t need to come back the exact way it was before?⁣

If you’d like to talk more generally about how to craft your life and leadership, or more specifically about solutions, set it up using the link in my bio. I’m talking to progressive church leaders about things like digital VBS, hybrid worship, and completely reimagining their calls. I’m talking to small business owners about online marketing, and reformatting their lives so that the business grows without taking over. ⁣