The vulnerability of innovation, creativity, and change. I’ll be talking about today with my six month online coaching group. (Want to be part of a group? Message me for a link and we’ll talk about it!)

It’s always risky to step up and lead, or put something new into the world, or improve something that is no longer working. So risky that many of us don’t try. ⁣

And yet try we must. We are called to try. This is how you make a difference. ⁣

What to do about it? The most important thing is to find a trusted group that will support you, cheer for you, and even help you see some of the risks to avoid. ⁣

It’s generally other people who are out there taking risks, too. ⁣

So here’s to the innovators, creators, and change-makers. I know your vulnerability and I applaud you. If it’s been a lonely journey and you feel a spiritual tug to do more, I’d love to talk.