How tempting is it to just keep thinking about an upcoming something or other instead of actually doing it?

How tempting is it to just keep thinking about an upcoming something or other instead of actually doing it? ⁣


There is definitely fun in dreaming of good things, like a future vacation or big purchase. Make that Pinterest board! Watch videos on YouTube! Do that research!⁣

There’s fun in dreaming, but no one would say it’s as fun as actually going on the vacation or making the purchase. Sometimes the fun things need to be delayed, so we get an early benefit by dreaming of it. ⁣

The problem comes when we’re overthinking more difficult things; when we stay in our thoughts so long that it becomes our “safe place. It’s almost like we think we can think so much about it that doing it will become easier. ⁣

However, there are some things that can only be learned by doing. Examples that come to mind are, oh, I don’t know, things like job transitions, telling someone how you feel, or reframing a program or service because the entire world changed around you. ⁣

You can never think enough about some of those things to be truly prepared. At some point you just need to do the thing, and in the doing, become who you need to be.⁣

My coaching is all about finding small steps toward big things that give you more information. It’s after the action that we talk and reflect … and then find the next step. That way, you move forward with clarity and purpose and the kind of information that you can only gain through action, as the kind of person you can only become through action.⁣

If that might be a fit, set up a free exploratory call using the link in my bio. 

And if you’re ready to do the thing on your own, I hope you will, whatever it is. ⁣