
Choose one activity out of each section below. When you complete your chosen activity in a section, place a sticker on your sticker chart

Need a break from screen time? Print the lesson as a pdf here, then grab paper, a pen, and crayons and head outside.

Having fun and don't want to stop? Do more than one activity in your favorite section(s)!

Story Time

Option 1:

Read Exodus 1:8-2:10 out of your own Bible. Any version of the Bible will do!

Option 2:

Read the story of Miriam & Baby Moses online at this link. (NRSV)

Option 3:

Watch this video of Miriam & Young Moses.

Reflection Section

Choose a set of questions for deeper reflection on God's hand in your life.

Questions for Grown-Ups

  • Did you grow up with siblings, relatives, or neighbors that felt like relatives? How did you watch out for one another? How do you care for one another now? 
  • What good things have happened for you over which you had no control? Do you think of them as the work of God or the Holy Spirit?
  • Moses started in a basket and ended up a leader. What do you know about your early childhood? Do you ever let “where you’re from” hold you back from God’s plan for you as a leader?

Questions for Young Disciples

Who or what is something that you are responsible to care for? This could be a pet or a sibling. Maybe you're responsible for watering and caring for plants in your house.  Caring for someone or something else is a big responsibility. Share how you do this. How does caring for something bring you joy? 

Questions for Younger Disciples

In a family each person is responsible for looking out for and helping one another. Who in your family do you help? How do you help them? Who in your family helps you? How do they help you? How does it feel when you help someone? How do you feel when someone helps you?

Imagination Station

Option 1: 

Download and complete this week's Miriam Recipe.

Option 2: 

Download and color the Miriam Coloring Page.

Option 3: 

Gather digital photos of siblings. These could be people from your family or close friends who feel like family. Save them to an album on your phone or create a Siblings Pinterest board.

Outdoor Adventure

Option 1: 

Take a walk near water. Turn off all electronics and think about all of the unexpected blessings you have received.

Option 2:

Float on water in a boat, inner tube, canoe, or other device. Think of the particular ways a woman in your life has watched over you and contributed to your faith journey.

Activity for Families

Look at your family's baby pictures. What similarities do you see? What differences? Who was the smallest baby? Who was the biggest baby? Can you guess what pictures belongs to which member of your family? What is special about how your family came together?

Mission Moment

Option 1: 

Share your craft on social media with a note of gratitude for blessings from God.

Option 2:

Write or call a sibling or another person with whom you grew up. Thank them for the ways they helped you and looked out for you.

Worship with Us!

All done? Hooray! Complete your sticker chart, and then go to our private Facebook group and share a photo or insight from this lesson.  Check your e-mail for the link!

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