
Choose one activity out of each section below. When you complete your chosen activity in a section, place a sticker on your sticker chart. 

Need a break from screen time? Print the lesson as a pdf here, then grab paper, a pen, and crayons and head outside.

Having fun and don't want to stop? Do more than one activity in your favorite section(s)!

Story Time

Option 1:

Read the story of God's creation out of your own Bible. Any version of the Bible will do!

Option 2:

Read the story of God's creation online at this link. (NRSV)

Option 3:

Watch this video of God's story of creation.

Reflection Section

Choose a set of questions for deeper reflection on God the Creator.

Questions for Grown-Ups

  • What skills and traits did God create in you as a child? How are you currently using those skills and traits as an adult? Are there skills and traits that God might be calling you to use in a new way?
  • What projects, games, and stories do you remember creating as a child? How did people react to the things that you created? What did their reactions teach you about your creativity? Is it true? 
  • What does the word creativity mean to you? How do you currently use creativity in your work, home, family, community, online, or at church? How does your creativity connect you to God the creator?

Questions for Young Disciples

If you could create an app what would it do? Would it be for entertainment like a game? Would it be an app that could help people? God created us in God's image but we also have unique qualities. What are some of the things that make you special?

Questions for Younger Disciples

God created all the creatures in the world. If you could create a creature what would it be like? What would your creature be good at doing? What type of environment would it live in? Would your creature be a pet or live among other creatures?

Imagination Station

Option 1: 

Download and complete today's Creation Craft.

Option 2: 

Download and color the Creation Coloring Page.

Option 3: 

Take digital photos of your favorite parts of creation. Save them to an album on your phone or create a Creation Pinterest board.

Outdoor Adventure

Option 1: 

Spend 60 minutes alone in a garden or forest without technology. You could read, or walk, or simply observe God's creation.

Option 2: 

Explore a new part of God's creation! Go to a park, beach, river, or another place you haven't visited this year.

Activity for Families:

Create a game! You could come up with new rules for a card game or make an obstacle course. Use your imagination and have fun. 

Mission Moment

Option 1: 

Use your creativity to brighten someone's day. Make them a card, bake them a cake, or give them an unexpected compliment. 

Option 2: 

Care for God's creation by picking up some extra litter or beautifying a part of creation that needs some attention.

Option 3:

Share the results of your Imagination Station project on social media with a short phrase about what you love about God's creation.

Worship with Us!

All done? Hooray! Complete your sticker chart, and then go to our private Facebook group and share a photo or insight from this lesson. Check your e-mail for the link!

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