
Choose one activity out of each section below. When you complete your chosen activity in a section, place a sticker on your sticker chart. 

Need a break from screen time? Print the lesson as a pdf here, then grab paper, a pen, and crayons and head outside.

Having fun and don't want to stop? Do more than one activity in your favorite section(s)!

Story Time

Option 1:

Read Genesis 41 out of your own Bible. Any version of the Bible will do!

Option 2:

Read the story of Joseph interpretting Pharaoh's Dream online at this link. (NRSV)

Option 3:

Watch this video of Joseph interpretting Pharaoh’s Dream.

Reflection Section

Choose a set of questions for deeper reflection on your dreams.

Questions for Grown-Ups

  • What dreams, waking or sleeping, did you have as a child? Have any of those dreams come true? What action could you take to make another one of those dreams come true?
  • What daydreams do you currently have? How often do you allow yourself to dream? What might change if you thought of your hopes and dreams as God’s call for your life?
  • Joseph's brothers got angry about his dreams. How have you been held back by what others think of your dreams? Where could you find a community that understands and supports your dreams?

Questions for Young Disciples  

Experts say that most people dream four to six times a night! That's over 1,400 dreams a year but most dreams we don't remember once we wake up. How often do you remember your dreams? Do your dreams ever encourage you to try something new? Who do you share your dreams with? If you could pick what you dream about what would you choose?

Questions for Younger Disciples

Do you know what a dream is? Dreams are pictures or feelings that can happen when you sleep. You don't remember most of your dreams once you wake up. Sometimes, you do! Dreaming can also be described like pretending while you sleep. What is something you like to pretend to play?

Imagination Station

Option 1: 

Download and complete this week's Joseph Craft.

Option 2: 

Download and color the Joseph Coloring Page.

Option 3: 

Take digital photos that represent your hopes and dreams. Save them to an album on your phone or create a Dreams Pinterest board.

Outdoor Adventure

Option 1: 

Lay on your back outside for 60 minutes without technology and watch the clouds. Use your imagination to "see" the clouds as the shape of familiar things. 

Option 2: 

Clear an hour in your calendar to listen for the "still small voice of God." Go outside or to an interesting place and allow yourself to follow your whims, as long as you won't hurt anyone. Give yourself permission to just sit outside for an hour without being productive. No electronics, no books, but paper and pen are OK. Resist the temptation to have a goal. Doodle, make a word association map, or just take in your surroundings. What do you see, hear, smell, or feel?

Activity for Families:

Look for different images and shapes in the clouds. Then make up a story about what you found.

Mission Moment

Option 1: 

Share your craft on social media or post in your front window for people to see. Include a short phrase about how God fulfills your dreams.

Option 2:

Talk to someone older. Ask about a time that God made their dreams come true, whether it happened in expected or unexpected ways. You may learn something useful, but more importantly, you are giving them the gift of active listening.

Worship with Us!

All done? Hooray! Complete your sticker chart, and then go to our private Facebook group and share a photo or insight from this lesson. Check your e-mail for the link!

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