
Choose one activity out of each section below. When you complete your chosen activity in a section, place a sticker on your sticker chart.

Need a break from screen time? Print the lesson as a pdf here, then grab paper, a pen, and crayons and head outside. 

Having fun and don't want to stop? Do more than one activity in your favorite section(s)!

Story Time

Option 1:

Read the story of the wise men following the star out of your own Bible, which is in Matthew 2:1-2, 9-11. Any version of the Bible will do!

Option 2:

Read the story of the wise men following the star online at this link. (NRSV)

Option 3:

Watch this video of the wise men following the star to Jesus.

Reflection Section

Choose a set of questions for deeper reflection on the wise men following the star to Jesus.

Questions for Grown-Ups

  • The wise men followed a star. What is your "star?" What guides you through life? Is it your faith? Another value such as peace or hope? Commitment to a goal that feels like a calling?
  • Sometimes life gets messy. We lose track of our star (values) and forget to align our life to it. What currently stands in your way from following your star to Jesus? Crazy schedules, over commitment, fear, something else?
  • Sometimes you discover that following the star to Jesus is leading you to reconsider some deeply held beliefs. When have you had to reckon with yourself, admit that you were off course, and recalibrate to your star?

Questions for Young Disciples

Did you know that a long time ago, before phones could give directions, people used the stars to find their way? The wise men followed a star to find Jesus! Sometimes we need to find our way to a new place, and sometimes we need to find our way through a new situation. What new situation have you encountered recently? Were you nervous? Who helped you to know what to do? Remember that Jesus is always with us, and when we are entering a new situation we can always say a prayer.

Questions for Younger Disciples

Have you ever made a Christmas gift for someone? Maybe you made a gift at school with your handprints or helped your parents make cookies at home. When you make a gift you put a lot of thought and work into making it special for the person you are giving it to. The wise men brought gifts to the baby Jesus because he was special. When you give a gift to someone, especially one that you made, you are showing them that they are special to you. How can you show people that they are special to you throughout the year?

Imagination Station

Option 1: 

Download and complete this week's Wise Men Craft.

Option 2: 

Download and color the Wise Men Coloring Page.

Option 3: 

Take digital photos of things that remind you of your values.

Outdoor Adventure

Option 1: 

Take a walk and look for the "gifts" of creation. Listen, look, touch, and smell what is around you.

Activity for Families:

Gather outside to talk about what guides your family in life. Do you have rules that your family follows? How does your family's faith guide you? How are rules, values and traditions a "gift?" How do they guide you like the star guided the Wise Men? Are there any new rules or faith practices that your family would like to try?

Mission Moment

Option 1: 

Share something from your VBS week on your own social media or paste in your front window for people to see. Tell people what VBS has meant to you. Maybe even invite them to worship!

Option 2: 

Ask someone about their "guiding star." What are their values? Give them the gift of your time and attention by listening closely.

Activity for Families:

Gift some things to others! Go inside and find at least five things that you could give away, donate, or regift. If you are giving the things to a friend, tell them why you thought they would like it.

Worship with Us!

All done? Hooray! Complete your sticker chart, and then go to our private Facebook group and share a photo or insight from this lesson. 

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