Parables of a Resilient Nomad is now available on Amazon.

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“I was already on the road when I lost my map.”

Thus begins Dawn Trautman’s unexpected journey from daughter of a picture perfect progressive pastor’s family to betrayal, loss of community, and personal transformation. Finding that the life she had mapped out was no longer available, Dawn left her job, packed up her apartment, and spent nearly ten years on the road making her own map. 

“Parables of a Resilient Nomad” chronicles wisdom gleaned from 500 kitchen tables (and more than a few church basements) across the globe. Blending memoir with insightful reflections, it challenges conventional narratives and extends an invitation for readers to chart their own course, dance to their unique rhythm, and forge genuine connections — one kitchen table at a time.

Meet Dawn.

Dawn Trautman is the visionary founder of Big Picture Big Purpose, which helps leaders of churches and nonprofits reimagine their relationship to their institution, or imagine a life outside of it. She holds a Master’s Degree in Youth & Family Ministry from Luther Seminary and a Master’s Degree in Organizational Psychology from New York University, plus certifications that range from Life Coach to Macy’s Giant Balloon Handler. 

Dawn Trautman headshot - a white woman with brown hair and a purple shirt

Dawn is an active speaker, workshop presenter, and coach. Her proprietary 6-month group experience, Discern by Doing, creates a community that empowers individuals to pursue significant goals while attuned to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Her work has been described as "strategic," "action-oriented," and "relentlessly positive without being unrealistic.”

Dawn was fully nomadic for nearly a decade while being a professional (Equity) actor and producer of the web series “A Dairy Tale.” She now lives in New York City with her daughter, where they prioritize weekly dinner parties, live music, Broadway shows, frequent travel, and volunteering at their church's food ministry, which serves up to 24,000 meals a week.

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