
Choose one activity out of each section below. When you complete your chosen activity in a section, place a sticker on your sticker chart

Need a break from screen time? Print the lesson as a pdf here, then grab paper, a pen, and crayons and head outside.

Having fun and don't want to stop? Do more than one activity in your favorite section(s)!

Story Time

Option 1:

Read the story of Mary visiting Elizabeth out of your own Bible. You can find it in Luke 1:39-45. Any version of the Bible will do!

Option 2:

Read the story of Mary visiting Elizabeth online at this link. (NRSV)

Option 3:

Watch this video of Mary's visit.

Reflection Section

Choose a set of questions for deeper reflection on Mary and Elizabeth.

Questions for Grown-Ups

  • Mary and Elizabeth are relatives, but also friends. Who are your close friends outside your immediate family, the ones to whom you rush to share personal news? What do those friendships mean to you? How do they enrich your life?
  • Elizabeth immediately shares a blessing with Mary. What sort of blessing would you want to share with your closest friends? How would you ask for God's favor and protection for them?

Questions for Young Disciples

Friendships can be found anywhere and sometimes you find your best friend right in your own family. Mary and Elizabeth were cousins! Think of the friendships that you have. Share where you met your friends. Did you meet at school, through an activity, or are they part of your family? What makes your friendships special? Do you have a special greeting which could look like a handshake sequence or a phrase that you say to one another? Mary and Elizabeth shared a blessing with one another. How might you pray that your friend would be blessed?

Questions for Younger Disciples

Some of our first friendships are with people that are in our family, people that you go to childcare with, or even people that you go to church with. Can you remember who your first friend was? Why was this friendship special? How did you learn to be friends with another person?

Imagination Station

Option 1: 

Download and complete today's Friendship Craft.

Option 2: 

Download and color the Friendship Coloring Page.

Option 3: 

Look through your phone for photos of or with your friends. Create a "friendship" album on your phone (maybe your phone would even set the pictures to music?) or create a Friendship Pinterest board.

Outdoor Adventure

Option 1: 

Take a walk with a friend. If you can't be physically together, arrange a time to call and chat while you both walk.

Option 2:

Take a walk alone. Use the time to think back through friendships over the years and how each person was a blessing in that era of your life.

Mission Moment

Option 1: 

Write to one of your friends and share with them a blessing, what you hope God brings into their life. Pray separately or together.

Option 2: 

Notice who needs a friend right now. Is there someone on your block or in your neighborhood that would like a simple card or note? Even a simple message will go a long way.

Option 3:

Make a Christmas card and send it to a friend or one of the “shut-in” members at your church! 

Activity for Families:

Friends are important to have. Together talk about what makes a good friendship and how you can be a good friend to others. Do something nice to let your friend know how much you care about them.

Worship with Us!

All done? Hooray! Complete your sticker chart, and then go to our private Facebook group and share a photo or insight from this lesson. Check your e-mail for the link!

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